Welcome To CCR3 Group

Specialist A.I. Software & Analytics 


human capital insights

All things people and talent. Our assessment and profile tools provide you with an unparalleled view of your people. The performance management tools take that insight and manage it in the most modern way imaginable.

data Analytics

Our algorithm has 6.4 Quadrillion permutations (6,400,000,000,000,000) and we put that to good use in identifying everything from talent mapping, potential, engagement, trends, culture and risk and report that in ways that make change and growth easy!


It's an important part of who we are in finding the latest data sets that allow us to report to you, the what's and the why's and the how's of modern business. We also look at mental wellbeing, prevention of suicide and happiness in all its forms.

Modern Software For mODERN BUSINESSES


We only ever use our own data sets when establishing Validity, Norm Grouping or Cultural Factors. That's important because to get accuracy, you need consistency in your source.